Gabriel Espinosa Jr.
Retired Command Sergeant Major, U.S. Army. Former Division Sergeant Major, 101st ABN DIV Air Assault.
Background: Former NCO | Military Leaders
Topic: Business Strategy, Change Management, Corporate Culture, Decision Making, Inspiration & motivation, Leadership, National Security

Speaker Profile

Summary: CSM Espinosa has held every leadership position in a Field Artillery BN from Section Chief to CSM. He also held the position of Intelligence Officer at the BN level. His past assignments include Recruiter at Brooklyn, NY, and Observer Controller at the Joint Readiness Training Center at FT Polk, LA. He served as 1SG for B Battery, 2nd BN 319th Airborne Field Artillery Regiment and HSB 2-319 AFAR, CSM for 2nd BDE 82nd Airborne Division (rear) “The Falcon Brigade”. He served as the Senior Military of Science Instructor for Furman University “The Paladin BN”. He served as Operations SGM for 214th Fires BDE. He served as the BN CSM for 1st BN 5th FA. He served as the BDE CSM for 1st Armored BCT 1st ID. He served as Garrison CSM at FT Campbell KY. He served as CSM for 101st ABN DIV Air Assault and FT Campbell. His last duty assignment was SGM for the Army Evaluation Center at Aberdeen Proving Ground. 

Why would a prospective client want you to be their keynote speaker or to support their speaking event? What are some compelling aspects of your background/career/experience that we should know about? 

My background includes:

  • Brigade Operations Sergeant Major
  • Field Artillery Battalion Command Sergeant Major
  • Armored Brigade CSM, the Garrison CSM for the third largest Army installation
  • Division CSM for 101 Airborne Division (Air Assault) and FT Campbell, and SGM for the Army Evaluation Center
  • I have deployed twice to Iraq. 

What are your primary topics/areas of expertise? Some examples may include: Conflict resolution, International Relations, Leadership, Diversity and Inclusion, Cybersecurity, as well as specific countries or geographical regions. 

I am primarily focused in the areas of:

  • leadership philosophy
  • building teams
  • organizational skills
  • professional development. 

What are some positions you have held in your career that you would like prospective clients to know about?

  • Garrison CSM: Senior enlisted advisor to the Garrison Commander, managing control over 2600 civilian and military personnel. Provided support and services to all of FT Campbell which included 29,000 Soldiers and 54,000 family members. 
  • Division / Post CSM: Advised the Senior Commander on all enlisted matters. served as Post CSM of the Army’s third largest installation; responsible for integration of all enlisted Soldiers and training activities. represented the post in three cities with a retired population of 112,629 personnel. 
  • Army Evaluation SGM: Comprised of 528 DA civilians, contractors, and Soldiers geographically dispersed at four locations across the United States. Provided sage advice during planning, integrating, conducting experiments, developmental testing, independent operational testing, and independent evaluations and assessments to provide essential information to the Army’s senior leaders and decision makers. Shared operational experience with engineers and scientists as it relates to testing. Advised the Director on personnel management, training, testing and evaluation, readiness, and Soldier and Civilian development.  

What are some speaking events you’ve supported recently?

I supported the Company, Battery, and Troop Commanders and First Sergeant course. I spoke on what it was like being a 1SG and part of a command team. The clients were Soldiers who were getting ready to take command or become a 1SG. 

Do you have any articles or publications? Have you been featured in any? If so, what were they? 

Featured in Clarksville Now when I assumed responsibility for Garrison.

Featured on the Fort Campbell Courier on October 1, 2015. 

Speaker Request Form

To request a Speaker for your event, please fill this form out or call (540) 952-9709
  • Requestor Information

  • "What organization is requesting a speaker at their event?"
  • Event Information

  • If your event is virtual, please indicate so along with the platform you will be using to conduct your event (i.e. Zoom, WebEx, Teams, etc.)
  • If your event has more than one date or you are requesting for the same speaker for the same event over time, please indicate so in the box above.
  • What would you like your audience to walk away from this event with? What is the type of event? Who will be the primary audience (e.g. Mid/Senior leadership, Executives, managers)
  • What is the topic of the event in which you would like the requested speaker to present?
  • (Ex: 1300 hours - 1900 hours CST)
  • How long and at what time would you like the requested speaker to speak for?
  • What is the dress code for this event?