David Musgrave
Retired Colonel, U.S. Army Retired Senior Executive Service (SES) Member
Background: CEOs | Former NCO | Former Officers | Military Leaders
Topic: Change Management, Decision Making, Leadership, National Security

Speaker Profile

Summary: Senior Executive Service (SES) (Ret)/Colonel (Ret) David (Dave) L. Musgrave is President/CEO of Musgrave Consulting, LLC helping organizations strengthen national security protections by creating solutions to address their most critical challenges.  Additionally, he sits on the Board of Directors for Armed Forces Insurance Exchange. Dave has several years of experience working at the Executive level of the federal government leading and directing national level programs focused on Arms Control, Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction and providing Security Cooperation activities around the world.

In his final position in federal government David served as the Director, On-Site Inspection and Building Capacity Directorate, Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) where he directed the implementation of United States arms control activities under numerous multilateral treaties and agreements in the United States and Europe; to include the only bilateral Nuclear Arms Control Treaty with Russia. Dave, in partnership with the U.S. Interagency and multiple national / international organizations; executed three international security cooperation programs operating in 32 countries across all geographic combatant commands. He has a passion for leadership and workforce professional development and played an instrumental role in the human capital and talent management by serving on the Defense Language Steering Committee, the Defense Security Cooperation Senior Steering Board for Workforce Development, the Executive Champion of DTRA’s mentoring program and Executive Co-Chair of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Council. During his military career he served as the Chief of the Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction (CWMD) Department, the Joint Chiefs of Staff (J5); Commander of Pine Bluff Arsenal in Pine Bluff, Arkansas; Aide-de-Camp/Advisor to the Commanding General United States Forces- Iraq (Operation New Dawn); Commander of the Bluegrass Chemical Activity in Richmond, Kentucky and several other staff and command positions.

Question 1) Why would a prospective client want you to be their keynote speaker or to support their speaking event? What are some compelling aspects of your background/career/experience that we should know about? 

Leadership requires constant assessment. As world dynamics and emerging technology influence government and business decisions, future leader must be flexible and adaptive in order to influence personnel and organizational performance.   David Musgrave’s experiences as a Federal Government Senior Executive Service member and Army Colonel have afforded him opportunities to lead large complex organizations consisting of military and commercial applications.  His expertise has influenced decisions on national security policies influencing strategic changes in military operations. Dave delivers broad perspectives that are clear and relevant to any audience.

Question 2) What are your primary topics/areas of expertise? Some examples may include: Conflict resolution, International Relations, Leadership, Diversity and Inclusion, Cybersecurity, as well as specific countries or geographical regions.

  • Leadership Development
  • Organizational/Change Management
  • International Relations
  • Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction
  • Arm Control
  • National Security
  • Talent Management
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • NATO Countering WMD
  • Security Cooperation/Security Assistance
  • Defense Industrial Base
  • Crisis Management

Question 3) What are the 2 – 4 positions you have held in your career that you would like prospective clients to know about? Please provide a brief description of each.

  • Director, Onsite Inspections and Building Capacity Directorate: Oversaw the execution and implementation of Arms Control Treaty activities on behalf of the U.S. Government. Also, provided oversight of all Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Security Cooperation activities in 32 countries that advanced DoD, Interagency and partner nations to build capabilities to counter and prevent WMD proliferation and prepare for, respond and manage consequences of chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive events.
  • Chief, Countering WMD, Joint Staff J5: Principal advisor to the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) on all policy and planning involving Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction (CWMD). Supervised, led, and managed staff of military and civilian subject matter experts up to Lt. Colonel and GS-15 in rank. Oversaw, guided, and shaped formulation and delivery of CWMD guidance and direction through the Director of Strategic Plans and Policies to the JCS Chairman. Directed overall execution and requirements of the Global Campaign Plan to Counter Weapons of Mass Destruction for the Defense Department (DoD).
  • Commander, Pine Bluff Arsenal:  Led and directed DoD’s only Manufacturing Arsenal producing specialized ammunition and chemical-biological defense (CBD) equipment. Executed $350M+ annual operating budget. Supervised a mixed civilian, military, and contractor staff of approx. 4,000 personnel across 9 tenant organizations at three geographically separated installations (Pine Bluff Arsenal, Holston Ammunition Plant (Kingsport, TN) and Radford Ammunition Plant (Radford, VA). Ensured security, safety, effective operations, and environmental wellbeing of all three installations. Oversaw $6B+ in facilities and inventory.
  • Aide-de-Camp to the Commanding General US Forces-Iraq:  Aide-de-Camp and Senior Advisor to the Commanding General of the United States Force-Iraq during Operation New Dawn. Planned and directed all support activities facilitating execution of the commander’s complex and demanding schedule during combat operations in Iraq.
  • Commander, Bluegrass Chemical Activity:  Led Chemical Weapons Stockpile Site with $14M+ annual operating budget and mixed civilian and military staff. Ensured safe, secure, and environmentally responsible storage of 500+ tons of weaponized toxic chemical warfare agents. Led and managed robust and demanding chemical surety program with a laboratory and testing component.

Question 4) Have you supported any speaking events recently? If so, what were the events and who were the clients?

Question 5) Do you have any articles or publications? Have you been featured in any? If so, what were they?

  • The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
  • 3M New Center
  • The Pine Bluff Arsenal Sentinel

Speaker Request Form

To request a Speaker for your event, please fill this form out or call (540) 952-9709
  • Requestor Information

  • "What organization is requesting a speaker at their event?"
  • Event Information

  • If your event is virtual, please indicate so along with the platform you will be using to conduct your event (i.e. Zoom, WebEx, Teams, etc.)
  • If your event has more than one date or you are requesting for the same speaker for the same event over time, please indicate so in the box above.
  • What would you like your audience to walk away from this event with? What is the type of event? Who will be the primary audience (e.g. Mid/Senior leadership, Executives, managers)
  • What is the topic of the event in which you would like the requested speaker to present?
  • (Ex: 1300 hours - 1900 hours CST)
  • How long and at what time would you like the requested speaker to speak for?
  • What is the dress code for this event?